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Content Digitalisierung & Vernetzung 7
Digitalisation and connectivity with Jungheinrich

A well organised warehouse does not happen by chance.

Start your opening tune.

Digitalisation and connectivity are the tools you need to make logistics processes more efficient. But when is the best time for the opening tune? How much are you 'in-tune' with the idea? As a leading system supplier for smart intralogistics solutions, we firmly believe that every company, whether it is a global player or a small or medium-sized enterprise, can benefit right now from connecting and conducting its processes perfectly. This will ensure that businesses remain profitable and future-proof, all at the same time.

Content Digitalisierung & Vernetzung (5)

The 4 principles for theperfectly orchestrated warehouse.

We have four principles to make Industry 4.0 accessible to you.

Content Digitalisierung + Vernetzung


A networked system might be complex. But it shouldn’t be complicated.

To judge from the score, a symphony might look incredibly complex, but the performance radiates simplicity. The same goes for digitalisation and connectivity with Jungheinrich. We put our comprehensive process knowledge, care and a bold sense of pragmatism into simplifying the challenge of Industry 4.0 for you. From design to implementation and day-to-day operation.

Many of our customers find the simplicity of Jungheinrich's solutions to be one of the primary factors motivating them to make the critical jump into a digitally interconnected future, right now. As a leading system partner for complete intralogistics solutions, we firmly believe that the important issue isn't the future vision of Industry 4.0. Instead, the question is how companies, from global players through to small and medium-sized enterprises, can implement smart connectivity for their processes, conduct these processes perfectly, and ensure they remain profitable and future-proof at the same time. Together with a partner they can rely on – one that provides on-going and consistent advice.

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There is no single right solution, just the right solution for you.

Every orchestra is unique – this is also true for warehouses. Our decades of experience and deep insights into the many different realities of warehouses and industries worldwide, means we can accurately assess the demands on your intralogistics system. The basis for our customised IT and automation solutions is not just our view of your warehouse, but your entire value chain and any changes that may be forecast. To ensure that digitally connected machines and processes pay off for businesses of all sizes, we make use of machine platforms and components that have proven themselves in practice and are perfectly customised to suit your requirements. The modular design of our machines and hardware, as well as software solutions, means your intralogistics processes are future-proof and benefit from a maximum degree of flexibility and rapid adaptability.

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Automation is innovation that pays off.

Partly or fully automated conveyors offer huge potential for optimisation in terms of process times and process safety, flexibility and fault reduction. To gain a competitive advantage for your intralogistics processes you will require a process that is perfectly matched to your specific requirements. Especially as smaller and smaller batch sizes have to be moved even faster, and at a lower cost.

However, not every automation solution will automatically pay for itself. The degree of success will depend on the level of automation that's right to achieve your objectives. That's why we start by analysing your individual requirements and ensure that manual, partly automated and fully automated areas in your warehouse work together harmoniously. The critical factor is that your solution can be adapted swiftly and flexibly when required: for example during seasonal peaks, fluctuations in demand, future challenges or to cope with future growth.

Our current automation ensemble ranges from Automated Guided Vehicles and conveyor technology to automatic small parts warehouses and pallet warehouses, to the forward-compatible Warehouse Management System, the Jungheinrich WMS – the 'metronome' that sets the beat. As the main contractor, we provide you with support from the design phase right through to handover of the turnkey plant. We are also there to help with comprehensive professional service and support once the project is complete.

More details about automation with Jungheinrich


Three steps to a customised automation solution.

Find out more


Content Digitalisierung & Vernetzung (3)

Everything from a single source

A new composition needs a highly experienced conductor.

As your trusted partner with experience and foresight, we can provide all the key skills needed for digitalisation and connectivity for your warehouse from a single source. A personal contact from Jungheinrich will coordinate all the business areas for you, while maintaining an overview at all times. From planning through to turnkey handover and beyond. We're there for you even after your system has been commissioned: with a full network of in-house customer service engineers worldwide as well as comprehensive service, all from a single provider. As a leading system supplier, we design, build and look after complete warehouse systems for you, while ensuring you remain future-proof at all times. We study and understand processes and business areas and constantly optimise the way they all work together – like a conductor. Jungheinrich's smart WMS helps here by acting as a digital metronome.

Content Digitalisierung & Vernetzung 6

Setting the beat: the Jungheinrich WMS.

The efficient interface between all business areas.

The Jungheinrich WMS sets the beat in your digitalised and connected warehouse. This reliable, industry agnostic, software manages, controls and optimises your warehouse, ensuring your processes remain efficient and straightforward. Reliability is one of the determining criteria. The Jungheinrich WMS is a mature platform that is constantly being refined, is always forwards-compatible and grows steadily along with your market requirements. Because it is modular, it can be perfectly customised and therefore adapts flexibly to your future changes. Just as the conductor ensures everyone plays perfectly together at all times in an orchestra. More than 150 companies from numerous different industries around the world already benefit from the efficient warehouse processes they achieve using the Jungheinrich WMS. To launch easily into digital warehouse management, for small and medium-sized warehouses, we also offer the Jungheinrich WMS Series 2 with standardised processes that have been proven in practical application.

Find out more about our WMS

How the Jungheinrich WMS ensures everything performs in unison in your warehouse.

Content Digitalisierung & Vernetzung (7)

Jungheinrich WMS

The warehouse management system Jungheinrich WMS controls the location, quantity and quality of stored goods. The Jungheinrich WMS effortlessly oversees the entire process. All intralogistics processes from goods receipt to warehousing activities and loading are mapped and planned more efficiently and thus more cost-effectively.

Management processes

From ‘goods in’ to ‘goods out’, the Jungheinrich WMS integrated management processes play a key role within the framework of the warehouse. The Jungheinrich Warehouse Management System ensures that processes are efficient and simple in the long term — and have been consistently adapted to the individual needs of the customer.

Goods in

Goods in a warehouse includes processes such as collection, deconsolidation, quality inspection and actual storage. Maintaining perfect interaction within the framework of the warehouse when collecting goods not only involves the Jungheinrich WMS, but also the necessary hardware components such as handheld scanners, printers, radio terminals or mobile workplaces.


With the Jungheinrich WMS, all components of the warehouse are networked and centrally coordinated, from the racks to the trucks to completely automated systems and connected scales, winders or data radio terminals. As a general contractor, Jungheinrich offers a complete solution including the seamless integration of coordinated functions.

Goods out

The goods out area in the warehouse includes order picking, retrieval, consolidation, packaging and loading. The Jungheinrich WMS offers complete orchestration of all activities and, based on the respective warehouse facility, the “conductor” configures the perfect workflow.

Content Digitalisierung & Vernetzung


Profitable networking and perfect control of processes

Digitalisation and Connectivity are an everyday phenomenon in many areas of our lives. As an expert in intralogistics, with more than 60 years of experience, we know that digitalisation and connectivity already play an important role in your warehouse. In this context automation will be a key technique. More information on that from Hermann Ammermann, Head of Logistics Systems in our subsidiary Bensheim.


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